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While the game initialy is fun to play, it quickly becomes boring due to there being no raise in difficulty. To combat this, maybe decrease the frequency of platforms spawning or randomize the heights more. Moving platforms or dangers could also increase the fun. 

As for the art, it is quite nice. The only thing is the fact that the player teleports to the other side of the screen if you exit on one side. If the player already shows on both sides of the screen when you are cut off will probably look better.

All in all good game with great potential! Keep up the good work

Hi, DefinitlyNotABot.

Thank you for your review. It gives me motivation to further develop this project.

I agree with all the points you made. I am going to implement solutions for these problems soon. I will let you know once they are in place. In the meantime, you may also check out the top-down platformer prototype I recently wrote and leave your comments there:

Thank you once again.

Best regards, marleeeeeey


I am, in fact, the greatest.


For this prototype, the best scores are saved locally for each application instance. Later, I will implement a central server to keep these scores. Thank you for the review.